Howard Cole Wins Again! California Regionals Fastest Trowel on the Block

Howard Cole receives prize monry from RCP Block & Brick Architectural Representative Gina Adams and Vice President of Marketing & Sales Tom Finch
Howard Cole with Frazier Masonry takes 1st Place prize money presented by  RCP Block & Brick Architectural Representative Gina Adams and Vice President of Sales & Marketing Tom Finch

Yes he did! Howard Cole wins again! Howard is one of MITA’s first graduates and nowa multi-year champion in the competition. Serious competitors were in the money, 14 in all. Howard slammed 111 block to win the California Regional earning the privilege to compete in the MASONRY MADNESS(TM) World of Concrete 2016 in Las Vegas in February 2016. Howard, with Frazier Masonry, took home the big check payout of $2,500. More than 400 guests in attendance at RCP Block & Brick enjoyed an industry spectacle of fun, food, beverages and it was shoulder-to-shoulder with leaders in our industry. Among the top three Journeymen receiving awards from RCP Block & Brick Architectural Representative Gina Adams and Vice President of Sales & Marketing Tom Finch are 2nd place Emilio Torres with JGinger Masonry, 3rd place Mario Madrigal with JGinger Masonry.

2nd Place winner Emilio Torres with J Ginger Masonry
2nd Place winner Emilio Torres with J Ginger Masonry
3rd Place Mario Madrigal with JGinger Masonry
Howard Cole laid 111 block
Howard Cole laid 111 block
Fastest Trowel on the Block lineup
Fastest Trowel on the Block lineup ready on stage