MITA Receives Recognition from CJUHSD Board of Trustees

MITA was recognized by the CJUHSD Board of Trustees and Chaffey Adult School for our Masonry Apprentice Program, hosted at Ontario High School, exemplifies education meeting industry by providing students technical skills, hands-on experience, and pathways to stable, rewarding careers.  This initiative addresses workforce needs while transforming lives and families.  The program in Ontario was launched in 2011 by then Chaffey Adult School Principal Todd Haag with support from MITA Founder Roger Coons and the Board of Directors.  In that original cohort of apprentices was a young Miguel Gonzalez who is now the program instructor!

According to Miguel, “this program isn’t just about teaching technical skills like laying brick or block. It’s about giving students confidence, direction, and the tools to build a stable career. Many of our students come to us unsure of their future, but they leave with certifications, job offers, and a belief in themselves.”

This success wouldn’t be possible without the teamwork and support behind it which includes the leadership of Chaffey Adult School under past Principal Todd Haag and current Principal Dr. George Matamala, Principal Rook at Ontario High School, and MITA past President Roger Coons and current President Dan Ricketts.

The Ontario High School construction class is the only one in a three-county region (Riverside, San Bernardino and San Diego) that focuses on masonry as the construction trade, and the class was recently recognized as a state certified pre-apprentice program.

We are grateful for this honor and appreciate the recognition.

Featured in the photo from Left to Right is Dr. Matamala, Apprentice Sergio DeLaTorre, Apprentice Adair Sandoval, Trustee Board President, Dr. Donald E. English, Masonry Instructor, Miguel Gonzalez, and MITA Executive Director, Bonnie O’Connor.