SkillsUSA – MITA May 2017 Newsletter


RCP Block & Brick hosted Grossmont Union High School District Career Tech Education leaders, students, and to learn how GREEN masonry is and the aggregate importance of minerals in our natural resources. El Capitan High School students enjoyed hands-on challenges and worked in teams. They were given plans to build a dry layouts to get a feel for what masonry is all about. They walked the full tour of RCP’s Otay Block Manufacturing Facility and saw materials baked right out of the oven, then wrapped, stacked, forklifted, and trucked off for delivery. Masonry is an in-demand occupation!


SkillsUSA California 50th Annual State Conference tested masonry students in a timed challenge to see who wins the privilege to go on and compete at their Nationals later this year. Masonry students from Warren High School/Downey Unified School District all built the correct design. AGC San Diego’s Jack Chapel is the skilled Event Coordinator. His leadership from load-in to awards ceremony 4 days later turns the parking lot into an outstanding event. MITA gives BIG thanks our members and RCP Block & Brick for materials, MITA Instructors for judging, and MITA Apprentices who volunteered as tenders.


What’s your written silica exposure control plan? You have a competent person who’s been trained on it too? Sign up NOW for MCAA’s Silica Train-the- Trainer Course Coming to San Diego. It’s hosted by the MCAA in San Diego, on May 10, 2017, 8:00 AM – 3:00 PM. Send someone from your company and they’ll come back equipped to train your entire staff. They will have programs to do the one-hour program and the six-hour competent program for your foremen. If you’re a MCAA member, you get a free written program, which you can customize for your jobsite!

Silica train the trainer

When you send someone from your company, they will be equipped to come back to the office and train your entire staff. They will have programs to do the one-hour program and the six-hour competent program for your foremen. The course for MCAA members is very inexpensive given the resources you will have to train your staff. Member pricing is only $350 per person. As an MCAA member you will have access to a free written program.

Beginning March 31, members will be able to log in online and get a custom written program. After login, the program will auto populate your company information into the program. You will need to load tasks and specifics to your specific job and then be able ton print it out for use on your site. The program will be updated on our site as the rule changes so your program will always be compliant.

Register now for May 10, 2017

8:00 AM – 3:00 PM

San Diego, CA

Jerry Painter

$350.00 members / $700.00 nonmembers


Provider: Mason Contractors Association of America

Discipline: Safety

Credits: 6.00

For more information or to register, please visit or contact Mason Contractors Association of America at 800-536- 2225.


TopNotch promo

Contractors it’s your time of year to meet masonry students seeking summer jobs! Come see them in action at the Annual Top Notch Trowel and Jim Broncatello Perpetual Trophy event on Saturday, May 13th at Boy’s Republic High School in Chino. Held annually since 1999 at the end of Spring semester, high school students, parents, instructors, contractors and suppliers come together for the fun in support of our industry’s future. Please RSVP and bring your prizes donation.

Thank you Masonry Industry Training Association members support training younger skilled masons, now and for the future of our industry, our community, and our association.

Smile while shopping for Mother’s Day! You can increase donations for Masonry Industry Training Assoc. Amazon has tools, jewelry, electronics, gifts that are perfect for Mother’s Day. Click here to log in to Amazon and smile.